AFFECTED SYSTEMS: hq_dia_backup hq_dia ent_dia ent_hq
UPDATE 12/15 2:37am : Maintenance Complete
The planned maintenance has been completed and systems are operating optimally at this time.
NESPARC Core Network : Upcoming Maintenance
On Wednesday 12/15/2021 between 00:00 and 06:00am, Network Engineering will perform software upgrades on our core routers than handle transit internet traffic. These software updates will be performed in sequences and there should be minimal impact to subscriber services during the maintenance window. However, due to the nature of the maintenance, there is a possibility of service interruptions while routers are reloaded, but these should be brief.
Thanks for your patience while we strive to improve and streamline our network.
Last updated: April 26, 2024 at 8:59 PM CST