2:38 pm Aug 16: Repair Complete
Repairs on this damaged area are complete and services are restored. If any issues persist, please reach out to our Helpdesk. Thanks for your patience.
11:48 am Aug 16: Repairs in Progress
Crews have replaced the damaged fiber and are preparing to splice both ends. There will be interruptions in service while splicing is performed. Crews are working to restore services as quickly as possible.
10:30 am Aug 16: Damaged Fiber // Hwy 30
A large truck damaged some fiber on Hwy 30 near Oxford Sand and Gravel // MMC Materials. Crews are working to replace the fiber. Intermittent interruptions might occur for customers EAST of 689 HWY 30 during this repair. Affected Areas:
Thanks for your patience as we continue to work to impove the quality and reliabilty of our network.
Last updated: April 26, 2024 at 8:59 PM CST