09:28 am Aug 20: Repairs Complete
Repairs are complete and crews are hands-off. All services should be restored. Should you continue to have issues, please reach out to our helpdesk.
08:31 am Aug 20: Repairs in Progress
Repairs continue. Splicing has commenced and subscribers should be seeing services restored as splicing proceeds.
06:49 am Aug 20: Repairs in Progress
Repairs continue. Due to complications, some brief interruptions on CR 251 North of Benjamin Rd. are necessary. Crews need to perform construction and splicing that will affect these subscribers.. Downtime is estiamted to be approx. 30 mins to one hour.
10:29 pm Aug 19: Repairs in Progress
Crews located the issue earlier this afternoon and have been working multiple issues to attempt repair. There are complications and we need to wait for daylight to complete repairs. We expect to have repairs completed shortly after dawn in the morning. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
3:19 pm Aug 19: Damaged Mainline // LS 214 // CR 251
There is a damaged mainline fiber affecting a subset of subscribers on CR251 near HWY 30. Crews are investigating. Affected Areas:
Thanks for your patience as we continue to work to impove the quality and reliabilty of our network.
Last updated: April 26, 2024 at 8:59 PM CST